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ERY P.P.M Film-coated tablet

ERY P.P.M Film-coated tablet

ERY P.P.M Film-coated tablet is used for treatment of infections caused by sensitive micro-organisms: bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, various respiratory tract infections, skin infections (especially caused by streptococci), prevention of Attacks of Rheumatic Fever for penicillin-allergic patients, nongonococcal gynecologic infections.


ERY P.P.M Film-coated tablet:

  • Erythromycin stearate equivalent to erythromycin ………………….. 500mg
  • Excipients: q.s.f ……………………… 1 film-coated tablet


In all cases, you must strictly comply with your doctor’s prescription.


  • Child:
    • From 25 to 35 kg: 1 tablet, 2 times per day.
    • From 35 to 50 kg: 1 tablet, 3 times per day.
  • Adult: 2 tablets, 2 to 3 times per day.

Mode of administration: Oral route. To be taken at least 1 hour before meals.

STORAGE: Store below 30ºC. Protect from light, heat and humidity.



  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia.
  • Pregnancy: It may be taken during pregnancy, if required.
  • Breast-feeding: This drug passes into breast milk; diarrhea and irritability have been observed in the breast-fed infants. For precaution, it is advisable to avoid breast-feeding during the treatment.

Inform your doctor or your pharmacist about any undesirable effect which is not mentioned in this leaflet.



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